Vascular Disease and Surgery

Stephen Black, Gregory Magee, Bijan Modarai, et al

Watch time: 14h 30m 38s (9 videos)


Hemorrhoidal Disease Management: New Frontiers

Dieter Hahnloser, Ibrahim Ethem Gecim, George Abdelfady Nashed, et al

Watch time: 1h 5m 24s


MEET THE EXPERT in Branched Endovascular Aortic Repair

Eric LG Verhoeven, Timothy Resch, Tara Mastracci, et al

Watch time: 2h 49m 52s


MEET THE EXPERT in Fenestrated Endovascular Aortic Repair

Eric LG Verhoeven, Tara Mastracci, Stephan Haulon, et al

Watch time: 2h 12m 38s


Pelvic Venous Disorders – From Presentation to Referral

Angie White , Gloria Salazar , Esteban Javier Malo Benages, et al

Watch time: 1h 2s


Heart transplantation surgery has become the standard treatment for selected patients with end-stage heart failure. Improvements in immunosuppressant, donor procurement, surgical techniques, and post-transplant care have resulted in a substantial decrease in acute allograft rejection, which had previously significantly limited survival of heart transplant recipients.

The number of heart transplants performed worldwide over the last decade has continued to increase annually.

Current challenges include older age of both recipients and donors; an increasing number of transplants performed with mechanical circulatory support; the growing use of combined organ transplants (now more than 4% of all heart transplants); and a high proportion of sensitised patients (those with pre-formed antibodies against human leukocyte antigens, which increased the risk of organ rejection).


Sex Differences in Aortic Disease


28 September 2023


US Cardiology Review 2023;17:e14.

Aortic Dissection: Novel Surgical Hybrid Procedures


Interventional Cardiology Review 2017;12(1):56–60

Peripheral Arterial Interventions


Interventional Cardiology Review 2016;11(2):128–34

Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair – Current Challenges in 2013


Interventional Cardiology Review 2013;8(1):57–60