
EP 11: A Brave New World: Society Meetings 2021

Published: 29 Jan 2021

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Are we in a current state of dystopia with regards to societal live meetings? Are these now a thing of the past?

In this month’s podcast episode, Steve Elias, MD is joined by executive directors from The American Venous Forum, The American Vein and Lymphatic Society, The Society of Vascular Surgery and The Society of Interventional Radiology, who together look at the current challenges for the future of society meetings and consider the steps they are taking to work towards a ‘new normal’.

In this session, they debate and discuss suggestions for innovation, as well as new engagement strategies, as they hope to embark on society meetings in a ‘Brave New World’.

In this episode they discuss:
[03.57] A look at experiences of physical meetings pre-COVID
[14.00] The next in-person meetings….when?
[27.15] The ROI for industry
[37.50] The death of the annual meeting?
[47.00] What is important to maintain?

Listen now for the latest episode from the veinPODCAST series.

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Hosted by @DrSteveElias and produced by Radcliffe Vascular. Follow us on social media for the latest updates on the next episode @RadcliffeVASCU today!