
LINC 2025: TRUE-PTX: 12-Month Amputation and Readmission Rates of Drug-Eluting Vs Bare Device Therapies for PAD

Published: 28 Jan 2025

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LINC 2025 - 12-month amputation and readmission rates from the TRUE-PTX study suggests endovascular revascularisation for peripheral artery disease (PAD) with drug-eluting devices lead to better outcomes than with bare device therapies.

Dr Marianne Brodmann (Medical University of Graz, AT) joins us to discuss the TRUE-PTX study evaluating a database of patients in the US with PAD who have recieved endovascular revascularisation with drug-eluting and paclitaxel-coated devices verses bare-metal stent therapies.

Results showed drug-eluting devices had lower amputation and mortality rates in patients with PAD than bare-metal stent therapies.

Interview Questions:
1. What is the reasoning behind the study?
2. What was the study design and patient population?
3. What are the key outcomes?
4. How should these findings impact clinical practice?
5. What further research is needed in this area?

Recorded remotely from Graz, 2025

Editors: Yazmin Sadik, Jordan Rance
Videographers: David Ben-Harosh, Dan Brent

Support: This is an independent interview produced by Radcliffe Vascular.


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