Vascular Interventions Online 2021: On-demand

Published: 13 July 2021

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    2m 11s
    Part 1 | Session 1 Welcome Stephen Black
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The inaugural Vascular Interventions Online 2021 (30 June - 2 July) brought together a world-class faculty to provide expert insight and educational learning on the latest developments in vascular management.


Combining expert opinion and discussion from a world-class faculty, insightful presentations, and live cases from centres on both sides of the Atlantic, VIO 2021 delivered best-in-class learning, supporting the latest in diagnosis, treatment strategies and patient management in vascular care.


Here, Radcliffe Vascular presents all sessions from the three day event on-demand. 


Note, the live version of this session was CME accredited; this on-demand version is not.

Vascular Interventions Online 2021 was supported by the following partners:

Learning Objectives

  • To develop an understanding of available treatment strategies for challenging and difficult access procedures
  • To update knowledge on the latest technological developments and options
  • To gain insight into tips and tricks employed at leading international centres

Target Audience

  • Vascular surgeon
  • Angiologist
  • Cardiothoracic surgeon
  • Cardiovascular specialist
  • Endovascular surgeon
  • Imaging diagnostician
  • Interventional cardiologist/ radiologist

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Faculty Biographies

Hence  Verhagen

Hence Verhagen

Recently, his participating in the executive education course “Managing Health Care Delivery” at Harvard Business School, Boston, USA, helped him to co-initiate and start the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Academy to spread awareness for, and setup training programs in, vascular disease and aortic pathology in several less developed countries in Africa.

In 2007 he was appointed as Professor and Chief of Vascular Surgery at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He is an internationally renowned expert in this field. He has organized many advanced international training courses on EVAR and TEVAR and is the founder of the Dutch practical course (basic and advanced) on peripheral percutaneous vascular interventions.

Professor Hence Verhagen has a special interest in Aortic pathology and interventions, including cutting-edge endovascular technologies, in which he has extensive experience. 

He started his Surgical training with…

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