Practical Strategies in Vein Disease and its Impact on Venous Pathology
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Professor Stephen Black and the faculty will be discussing practical strategies for GPs with regard to vein disease and its impact on venous pathology. Prof. Black will moderate a live discussion on venous issues currently faced by GPs. Topics will include:
- Superficial venous system (Including varicose veins & leg ulcers)
- Deep venous disease and its impact on venous pathology
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Special situations (pregnancy, obesity and other lifestyle factors)
We would like to hear your feedback, please follow the link, here to complete the survey.
*The survey will take no more than 2 minutes.
Stephen Black
Vanessa Livingstone
Sanjay Patel
This webinar is supported by Medtronic.
Learning Objectives
- Identify individuals with a probable chronic vein insufficiency according to presenting signs and symptoms and clinical history
- Recall the relative benefits and disadvantages of a range of current interventions for varicose veins, particularly ablative strategies
- Explain current unmet needs for providing optimal care to patients with superficial venous pathologies
- Stratify and refer eligible patients to a specialist vascular service via the appropriate pathway
- Provide appropriate advice and information to individuals considering self-funding for the treatment of varicose veins
Target Audience
- The venous review is specifically designed for General Practitioners and their patients dealing with the implications of vein disease
Faculty Biographies
Sanjay Patel
Mr Sanjay Patel is a Vascular Consultant at the UK Vein Clinic. He graduated from the University of Manchester Medical School in 2001, and trained in Manchester and Nottingham before undertaking research at King’s College London.
Stephen Black
Prof Stephen Black is a Consultant Vascular Surgeon at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital and a Professor of Venous Surgery at Kings College, London.