Pulmonary Embolism


Venous thromboembolism is a serious disease. Both deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism frequently result in devastating impacts for patients in both the short and the long term. Pulmonary Embolism affects about 1000 out of every 1 million people with 200 of those cases considered to have an intermediate-high and high risk of mortality. Pulmonary Embolism, while preventable, is the 3rd leading cause of cardiovascular death.

As high mortality rates have shown little improvement over the last 20 years, it is clear acute PE patients need to be managed differently. We know that conservative treatment options, as recommended by the guidelines leave thrombus behind in 20-50% of the patients. Literature shows the mortality number on anticoagulation only is still high and the majority of venous clot is lytic-resistant by time of treatment. Thrombolysis comes with significant risk of bleeds.  

This section presents key papers, IHR and HR PE case reports and also interviews with the Key Opinion Leaders discussing on how new technologies, like a lytic-free thrombectomy, can transform the treatment of acute Pulmonary Embolism.

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Prof Felix Mahfoud

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