Laura Redman

Laura Redman

MBChB, FCS(SA), MMED, Cert Vascular Surgery

Netcare Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital, Foreshore, Cape Town, South Africa

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Personal History


Dr Laura Anne Redman is a qualified General Surgeon and Vascular Surgeon based in Cape Town, South Africa.

Outside of work, she enjoys playing the piano, sketching, doing sculptures, running and swimming.7


Academic History


In 2014, Dr Redman graduated from the University of KwaZulu-Natal with a Masters of Medicine (MMED), which was focused on the thoracic outlet syndrome.6, 7

She is a qualified General Surgeon and Vascular Surgeon. She has also trained in Vascular Ultrasound having completed a Vascular Ultrasound Course in the United Kingdom.1

She completed the Wessex Scientific Vascular Ultrasound Course in Manchester and a training course in Italy on Intravascular Ultrasound for Venous Disease. She is academically accredited, having published in local and international journals, co-edited an American Journal issue of Progress in Cardiovascular Disease on aneurysms and presented internationally in both France and Switzerland.2

In March 2020, she made history in South Africa with her recent ground-breaking procedure on a lymphoedema patient.


Career Overview


Dr Redman is a Specialist Vascular Surgeon at the Netcare Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital and runs the Vascular Centre. She started the Centre after having super-specialised in Vascular Surgery and travelling to world-renowned Vascular Units.

She is also the Founder of OptiVein, a culmination of the foundation of the Vascular Centre and Cardiovascular Research.5 In 2015, she established a holistic multi disciplinary team approach to limb problems called Limb4Life.3

Dr Redman is involved in research related to vascular disease with a passion for making a difference to the lives of all those affected by cardiovascular disease.2 

She is a member of the Cape Advanced Wound Care Association, on the editorial board for the Wound Healing South African Journal and the advisory board of the Lymphoedema Association of South Africa. Dr Redman is president of the South African Lymphatic and Venous Society (SALVS), which aims to improve the lives of individuals afflicted with venous and lymphatic disorders and enhance awareness in South Africa.4


Career Timeline


  • 2006 - 2009: Fellowship of the College of Surgeons SA, General Surgery
  • 2010 - 2012: Fellowship of the College of Surgeons SA, Vascular Surgery
  • 2004 - 2021: Medical Doctor, General Surgeon, Vascular Surgeon training, Department of Health
  • 2014 - Present: Founder, OptiVein
  • 2014 - Present: Doctor, Vascular Centre




  • 2021: National Old Girl, The Old Girls Guild of St Mary's DSG, Kloof, South Africa
  • Various academic prizes: locally for a vascular dissertation and internationally for Best Scientific Paper


Areas of Speciality


  • Arterial and venous pathology
  • Open and endovascular surgery







Laura Redman, Steve Elias