Vascular Interventions Online 2021: On-demand

Published: 13 July 2021

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    2m 11s
    Part 1 | Session 1 Welcome Stephen Black
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The inaugural Vascular Interventions Online 2021 (30 June - 2 July) brought together a world-class faculty to provide expert insight and educational learning on the latest developments in vascular management.


Combining expert opinion and discussion from a world-class faculty, insightful presentations, and live cases from centres on both sides of the Atlantic, VIO 2021 delivered best-in-class learning, supporting the latest in diagnosis, treatment strategies and patient management in vascular care.


Here, Radcliffe Vascular presents all sessions from the three day event on-demand. 


Note, the live version of this session was CME accredited; this on-demand version is not.

Vascular Interventions Online 2021 was supported by the following partners:

Learning Objectives

  • To develop an understanding of available treatment strategies for challenging and difficult access procedures
  • To update knowledge on the latest technological developments and options
  • To gain insight into tips and tricks employed at leading international centres

Target Audience

  • Vascular surgeon
  • Angiologist
  • Cardiothoracic surgeon
  • Cardiovascular specialist
  • Endovascular surgeon
  • Imaging diagnostician
  • Interventional cardiologist/ radiologist

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Faculty Biographies

Tara  Mastracci

Tara Mastracci

Vascular Surgeon

Dr Tara Mastracci is a vascular surgeon with an interest in complex aortic repair and is currently working on the St. Barts Health Cardiothoracic Team.

She studied general and vascular surgery at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and moved on to a fellowship in complex aortic repair at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio.  Dr Mastracci was a consultant at the Cleveland Clinic and she also held a position as assistant professor at Case Western Reserve University for seven years. Dr Mastracci moved to London in October 2014 to lead the aortic team at a London Teaching Hospital, where she served as Clinical Director. She has now moved to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, joining their aortovascular team.

Dr Mastracci is a clinical epidemiologist by training and focuses most of her research in clinical outcomes related to disease of the aorta. She has a specific interest in endovascular aneurysm repair, stent graft design…

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Frank Arko

Frank Arko

Endovascular Surgeon

Dr Frank Arko is Director of Endovascular Surgery and Co-director of the Aortic Institute at Carolinas Medical Center of the Sanger Heart and Vascular Institute in Charlotte, North Carolina, US, among the busiest aortic repair centres in the US.
A global expert on aortic repair techniques and peripheral arterial disease, Dr Arko completed medical school and residency at Texas A&M University, and a Fellowship at Stanford University, US.

Board certified by the American Board of Surgery – Vascular Surgery, Dr Arko’s specialist interests include minimally invasive surgery, trauma and surgical critical care, and vascular surgery.

He is a member of a number of professional societies and bodies, including the American College of Surgeons, the Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society, the Society of Vascular Surgery, and the…

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Stephan Haulon

Stephan Haulon

Head of Department of Aortic and Vascular Surgery

Stéphan Haulon defended his PhD-thesis in Biomaterial research in 2002. In 2006 he was appointed Professor of Vascular Surgery at Lille University, and in 2017 chairman of the Aortic Centre at Marie Lannelongue, Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint Joseph, Paris Saclay University.

Stéphan's main interest is in aortic surgery, particularly the endovascular treatment of thoraco-abdominal and arch aneurysms.

He is co-director of the Paris Vascular Insights meeting, of the Critical Issues in Aortic Endografting Expert Symposium, and of the annual Charing Cross Symposium.

He was elected councillor of the ESVS and of the French SVS, and is a SVS member. 

Finally, Stephan was the president elect of the ESVS for 2019-2020.

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Anna Prent

Anna Prent

Consultant Vascular Surgeon

Miss Anna Prent is a Consultant Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon at The Royal Free Hospital where she has been part of the complex aortic team and the deep venous team since 2017.

She undertook a senior clinical fellowship at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital in complex aortic surgery, open and endovascular. She also developed a special interest in the management and treatment of complex venous diseases. She completed her basic medical training in the Netherlands (Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam). Following this she did her vascular training, holding posts as a registrar in the Isala Clinics and University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG). She was first appointed as a locum consultant in 2015 at Leids University Medical Centre (LUMC) and in the same year awarded with the fellowship of the European Board of Vascular Surgery. She emigrated to the United Kingdom and practices exclusively as a vascular and endovascular surgeon. 

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Hence  Verhagen

Hence Verhagen

Recently, his participating in the executive education course “Managing Health Care Delivery” at Harvard Business School, Boston, USA, helped him to co-initiate and start the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Academy to spread awareness for, and setup training programs in, vascular disease and aortic pathology in several less developed countries in Africa.

In 2007 he was appointed as Professor and Chief of Vascular Surgery at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He is an internationally renowned expert in this field. He has organized many advanced international training courses on EVAR and TEVAR and is the founder of the Dutch practical course (basic and advanced) on peripheral percutaneous vascular interventions.

Professor Hence Verhagen has a special interest in Aortic pathology and interventions, including cutting-edge endovascular technologies, in which he has extensive experience. 

He started his Surgical training with…

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Mark Tyrrell

Mark Tyrrell

Consultant Vascular Surgeon

At present, Mark provides outpatient (including vascular lab) and day surgery services on an outreach basis in Tunbridge Wells - and inpatient services (for patients from Tunbridge Wells as well as the local catchment area) at St Thomas'. Day surgery in the Pembury hospital comprises varicose vein operations and minor amputations. In patient surgery in the Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Trust comprises the full range of open and endovascular arterial surgery and a sub-specialty in spinal exposure for anterior spinal surgery in collaboration with that specialist team. Mark has particular interests in complex aortic (open and endovascular) and carotid surgery.

In addition, Mark has run a small private practice at the Nuffield hospital, Tunbridge Wells for over 20 years. All types of consultation, including Duplex scanning are undertaken. The majority of surgery relates to the management of peripheral venous hypertension (most commonly expressed as varicose veins), for…

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Jason Wilkins

Jason Wilkins

Consultant Interventional Radiologist

Dr Jason Wilkins trained in medicine at St. Edmund Hall Oxford and was appointed as a Consultant Radiologist at King’s College Hospital in 2002. He is currently clinical lead for interventional radiology and musculoskeletal imaging. His specialist interests in intervention and musculoskeletal imaging include endovascular therapy, tumour ablation, venous and dialysis access and urolological intervention. He leads the complex aortic program at King’s College, Guy’s & St. Thomas’ and London Bridge Hospitals as part of the King’s Health Partnership.

His current research interests include the use of drug eluting balloon angioplasty and aortic stent grafting for aneurysmal disease. He is regular reviewer for national and international radiology journals, and is a founder member of the Vascular Access Society.

Professional memberships and affiliations:

  • Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists
  • British Medical Association Member
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