Vascular Interventions Online 2023: On-demand

Published: 11 October 2023

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Radcliffe Vascular proudly presents all on-demand sessions from Vascular Interventions Online 2023. 


With engaging debate, presentations and live cases from leading centres of excellence globally, VIO 2023 is a unique immersive free-to-access educational event. 


This year’s focus remains firmly on the practical. VIO 2023 will support you, the healthcare practitioner, to deliver the best in patient care by providing a platform that showcases the latest technology, tips and tricks from leading operators, and insights from thought leaders at the cutting edge of vascular care.


Over 94% of 2022’s attending healthcare professionals reported that VIO was ‘likely / very likely’ to change their clinical practice. This year’s programme will be carefully curated to further enhance practical education whilst building upon the unique combination of dynamism, production quality and international reach that marks VIO 2023 as a truly unique event.


Note, the live version of this event was CME accredited; this on-demand version is not.

Vascular Interventions Online 2023 was supported by the following partners:

Learning Objectives

  • To develop an understanding of available treatment strategies for challenging and difficult access procedures
  • To update knowledge on the latest technological developments and options
  • To gain insight into tips and tricks employed at leading international centres

Target Audience

  • Angiologist
  • Cardiologist
  • Cardiothoracic surgeon
  • Cardiovascular specialist
  • Endovascular surgeon
  • General consultant
  • Imaging diagnostician
  • Interventional cardiologist / radiologist
  • Neurovascular interventional radiologist
  • Stroke neurologist
  • Vascular nurse
  • Vascular surgeon

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Faculty Biographies

Narayan Karunanithy

Narayan Karunanithy

Clinical Lead for Interventional Radiology and Honorary Senior Lecturer

Dr Narayan Karunanithy is a consultant interventional radiologist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital.

Dr Karunanithy completed his basic medical training at King’s College London in 1999. Following basic surgical and radiology training, he undertook specialist fellowship training in interventional radiology at Imperial College London and musculoskeletal radiology at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore.

Dr Karunanithy was appointed as Consultant Radiologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in 2010. He was appointed Clinical Lead for Interventional Radiology in 2016. He has authored several peer reviewed publications and book chapters. In addition, he has served as invited faculty at national and tnternational conferences.

Dr Narayan Karunanithy is on the editorial board for Vascular and Endovascular Review Journal.


  • Interventional vascular and…
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Erin Murphy

Erin Murphy

Dr Erin Murphy is a Venous Vascular Surgeon at the Rane Center in Jackson, MS. She is also Director of the Venous and Lymphatic Institute at the Sanger Heart and Vascular Institute at Carolinas Healthcare System in Charlotte, NC. 

Dr Murphy graduated with MD from Georgetown University Medical School in 2005. She completed her general surgery residency at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. She also completed a 1-year research fellowship in vascular surgery at Stanford University followed by a vascular surgery fellowship at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. She is board certified in both general and vascular surgery. 

Dr Erin Murphy is on the editorial board for Vascular and Endovascular Review Journal.

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Kush R Desai

Kush R Desai

Associate Professor of Radiology, Surgery and Medicine; Director, Deep Venous Interventions

Dr Kush R Desai, MD, FSIR is an Interventional Radiologist and Associate Professor of Radiology, Surgery, and Medicine at Northwestern University. His primary research and clinical interests are in venous thromboembolic disease, deep venous thrombectomy/thrombolysis, reconstruction of chronic venous occlusions, IVC filter management/complex IVC filter retrieval, and interventional pulmonary embolism management. He serves as the chair of the Society of Interventional Radiology’s venous clinical specialty council, and is a fellow of the society.  He serves as the national and global principal investigator for numerous clinical trials that are developing strategies and devices to treat deep venous disease. In addition, he serves as a reviewer for several journals, including Circulation, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, as a distinguished reviewer for Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders,…

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Nicos Labropoulos

Nicos Labropoulos

Dr Nicos Labropoulos is a professor of surgery & Radiology and Director - Non Invasive vascular laboratory at Stony Brook University Medical Center, Stony Brook, NY, US.

Dr Labropoulos obtained his degree in vascular medicine from University of London in 1994 and PhD in cardiovascular medicine in 1995. 

Dr Nicos Labropoulos is on the editorial board for Vascular and Endovascular Review Journal.

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