
Below the Knee Treatment Strategies in CLTI: How to Effectively Manage Heavily Calcified Disease

Published: 13 Jun 2023

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First broadcast as part of Vascular Interventions Online 2022, in this video Dr Bryan Fisher (Nashville, US) delivers a presentation ‘Below the Knee Treatment Strategies in CLTI: How to Effectively Manage Heavily Calcified Disease’.


The session is moderated by Dr Marie-Josee van Rijn (Rotterdam, NL) with panel contributions from Prof Lukla Biasi (London, UK) and Dr Vipul Khetarpaul (Washington, US).


Vascular Interventions Online (VIO) is Radcliffe Vascular’s annual free-to-access three-day virtual event, dedicated to supporting superior patient outcomes in vascular care. VIO aims to educate vascular professionals, interventionalists and surgeons who are involved and/or interested in vascular interventional treatment with a focus on Aortic, Venous and PAD / Lower Limb. See homepage for details of the next live edition.


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