
Chimney-EVAR: pitfalls and limitations of the technique and how we can optimise the result

Published: 14 Oct 2019

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Prof Konstantinos Donas (St Franziskus Hospital, DE) meets with Prof Frank Vermassen (University of Ghent, BE) and Dr Gergana Taneva (University Hospital Ramón y Cajal, ES) to discuss the critical issues surrounding the chimney endografting technique to treat complex aortic pathologies. 


Highlights of this short 14-min roundtable discussion include; an expert-led review of the current guidelines for use of Chimney-EVAR (Ch-EVAR) as an alternative approach to treatment, the indications for use, the importance of the degree of oversizing and device combinations.


Filmed by Radcliffe Vascular during CIRSE 2019.

Videographer: Tom Brown, Dave Good