
Crossing a Long CTO in PAD

Published: 13 Jun 2023

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First broadcast as part of Vascular Interventions Online 2022, in this video Drs Gregory Stanley and Halim Yammine (Sanger Heart and Vascular Institute, Atrium Health, Charlotte, North Carolina, US) deliver a ‘Crossing a Long CTO in PAD’ live case.


The session is moderated by Dr Marie-Josee van Rijn (Rotterdam, NL) with panel contributions from Prof Lukla Biasi (London, UK), Dr Bryan Fisher (Nashville, US) and Dr Vipul Khetarpaul (Washington, US).


Vascular Interventions Online (VIO) is Radcliffe Vascular’s annual free-to-access three-day virtual event, dedicated to supporting superior patient outcomes in vascular care. VIO aims to educate vascular professionals, interventionalists and surgeons who are involved and/or interested in vascular interventional treatment with a focus on Aortic, Venous and PAD / Lower Limb. See homepage for details of the next live edition.


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